共為你找到:200筆topnotes for ipad 相關企業資訊
SS Co., was established in 2005. Founder had earlier served as head of OPH Department in Pharmica Company. Before the establishment of SS Co , the founder has been dedicated to sale of eye care pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, ocular surgical devices Based on business needs, at the end of 2009 set up a subsidiary Cosmos-bio, Inc., responsible for the introduction of foreign raw materials and finished products. We have 600 dealers, including Medical Centers, hospitals, and two of the largest health care access: WELLCARE(200 branches)and MedFirst Healthcare Services, Inc(160 branches) Our company employs 7 people. Ophthalmic products sales staff have many years of extensive sales experience. They have worked for Alcon, AMO, Pharmica. It is a group of professional sales staff Our annual turnover is more than one million U.S. dollars in 2009. Major Products & Services l LUTEIN Eye Vitamin and Mineral Supplement l Cranberry caps l Collagen l DLPC soft caps l Sale of prescription drugs l Distributor of UNION CHEM &PHARM CO.,LTD.--latanoprost eye drops &( latanoprost+timolol) eye drops l ASPHERIC IOL
HSUN WANG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. founded in 1998 and located in Changhua county Taiwan. We are specialized in Electronic and Electrician products and are one of leading manufacturer and supplier in this field. In order to meet the inquiry of our customers and extending our competitive in the market, we set up our main products line in Crimping Tools, Stripping Tools, Cable Tie, Terminals, Fuses, Samson, Coils, Heat Shrinkable Tubing. We are professional, good experienced, efficiency, good service, reliable, activity and available in offering a range of high quality products. We are experienced in offering OEM and value assortments to Well-Know Brand in the world. Please feel free to contact us for any further information, samples for your quality inspection or offer us your comments. Your suggestions will be always welcome. We wish to hear from you soon. We have many different type of package for the Ratchet Type Crimper, if you need any further information, please visit our website www.hsunwang.com and www.toolstw.com or contact us directly. Many thanks for your time and have a nice day.
Were established design consulting firm at Seattle in 1994. After Six years design consulting in great Seattle area, we have build up a great relationship for company such as Microsoft, T-Moblie, Aol, RealNetwork and Amazon.com etc. In year 2010, we decide expand our business to Taiwan. Welcome talented you come to join us! 敝公司於1994年在美國西雅圖成立設計資詢團隊, 並在大西雅圖地區擁有超過六年以上與當地各大公司或廠商合作的經驗,例如微軟, T-Mobil, Aol, RealNetWork及Amazon.com 等等. 2009年初將業務擴展至台灣,並將在2010年之後陸續在台灣擴大徵才,歡迎有才華的你加入我們的團隊!
十月影視成立於一九八九年,經過數年的努力與耕耘,十月業已在廣告界樹立起高品質廣告製片的專業形象。不論聲音或影像,都是十月用心經營、努力創作的目標,也唯有不斷地挑戰與開發各種影音創作的可能性,才能貫徹十月對精緻文化所堅持奉行的理念。 自創立以來,十月影視所拍製的廣告不下數百支,包括泛亞電信、荷蘭銀行、黑松汽水、黑松沙士、阿瘦皮鞋、絲逸歡、NISSAN汽車等膾炙人口的話題系列廣告影片。其中泛亞電信系列曾經兩度獲選4A廣告獎最佳影片;道地烏龍茶《國父篇》以及太平洋房屋系列等,也多次獲選4A廣告創意獎。 以不一樣的美學觀點,拍製不一樣的廣告影片,持續開發新的創作,現在我們朝著無可限量的方向經營,需要新血的加入。 About October Films October Films is the best storyteller in Taiwan. We are telling story through the image, picture and music. In 1989, October Films was established by who came from architecture, literature, arts and movies area with their enthusiasm for image production. Hold the various resources in different field, from the documentary to the advertising, we insist on the special taste and original creation of our works and receive positive courage from our audiences and awards from 4A. Accumulating the experiences for each case, we have owned the successful and professional teamwork group. October Films keeps creating and challenging all the possibility of image production with enthusing.
Founded in 1986 as a custom linear motor manufacturer, Adacel Technologies, LTD has developed into a major supplier of linear actuators, motor control systems, electronics and software to the RV, medical and fitness industries. Adacel Technologies, LTD possesses the unique combination of mechanical, electronic and software expertise coupled with our vertically integrated manufacturing in China and Taiwan. Our business includes Adacel brand name linear actuator motors, electronics, and customized assemblies for global OEMs. Adacel has been involved in EMS (electronic manufacturing services) for over 10 years and offers either sub- contracting or turn- key options, characterized by fast turnaround, expert design and competitive pricing. Products and Services offered: ● Custom linear actuators and motor controls systems ● Manufacturing solutions for mechanical, software, and electronic projects in our China factories ● Transfers of new and on-going finished product projects (ODM) to China ● New product development and new product realization (turnkey) ● Managing on-going quality and logistics in China ● Sourcing individual mechanical and electrical components in China We are looking for a candidate that is organized, motivated, and wants to learn new skills. Please contact us for more information at [email protected]
本司是從事傳統手工具製造外銷. 誠徵 生管人員 We are leading manufacture for flooring tools, with high quality, we export our products to worldwide market and win a very good reputation from our customers. We provide the service of OEM, ODM; besides, we also welcome cooperated development. Our main production is flooring tools, carpet tools, as like scraper, carpet seam roller, carpet cutter, carpet knife, trimmer, stair tool, powerstretcher.
本公司成立於民國 66年 6月 4日,營業至今已逾 30年,銷售歐、亞、美、非各國金屬原物料買賣,大宗金屬資源交易及財務操作,及電子週邊材料之貿易。 Great Atlantic Enterprise was founded in 1977, specializing in international trade of base metal and metallic materials for electronic industry.
協欣電子工業股份有限公司創立於民國 75 年(1986),主要從事CCFL Inverter、Switching Power Supply 、Battery Charger 和Power Inverter等產品的研發、設計、及製造。 目前在全球皆已建立綿密可靠的行銷網路;尤其在歐洲市場我們的產品享有極高的評價,並曾榮獲入選英國”MOTOR BOATS MONTHLY”雜誌2002年”BEST BUY”的殊榮。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『創新 前瞻 質量 服務』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,更積極拓展海外營運據點的設立,以期更接近市場,更貼切了解市場的需求,以利本公司R&D團隊研發、設計符合市場需求的產品與提供乾淨,安全的綠色能源。 我們重視每一位員工的職場生涯規劃,除了提供良好的工作環境外,我們也提供全面性的學習的空間及適當的升遷管道,歡迎優秀的青年才俊一起加入協欣電子的工作行列。 About Cotek: Since our inception in 1986, Cotek Electronic Ind. Co., Ltd main corporate objective has been to continue our consistent beliefs in the uncompromising quality in our products, technical expertise, and customer service. We have established ourselves as the premier source in worldwide markets for CCFL inverters, Switching power supplies, DC/AC Pure sine wave inverters...etc. 協欣電子正在擴大商業版圖, 積極召募優秀人才 -- 歡迎有志青年加入我們的行列,與我們共創您的新事業。
中曰式定食快餐, we are now looking for a part time staff number for lunch service, average four hours per day, we have a friendly team of four, two in the kitchen, two in front of house, looking for a young and friendly female new number to join this wonderful team at the front house, if you think you are a bright and out going person, feel free to contact us.
請詳南山人壽保險股份有限公司官網簡介 : https://www.nanshanlife.com.tw/ 南山人壽 - 專業的領航者 培訓未來領袖 為培訓未來領袖,南山人壽在2007年4月首開業界先河,成立『青年領袖計劃』,且每年持續推出各類講座與學習成長課程,並帶領學生積極投入志工服務主動關懷社會,希望為青年學子打造多元化學習平台,培養國際觀與競爭力。 保戶服務再創新 南山人壽為追求卓越及優質的服務,推出多項「鑽石尊榮服務」,包括業界首創之「全球機場快速通關」服務,為特定的VIP保戶提供專屬禮遇,以及「兩岸地區機場貴賓室」、「兩岸地區機場接送」、「兩岸地區貴賓特約門診醫療安排」等,提供VIP客戶更貼心的服務。 為了體貼保戶臨櫃辦理各項保單業務的便利性,領先業界於全台四大客服中心設置「行動服務櫃檯」,結合了iPad最新數位科技,加速臨櫃辦理保單業務的服務效率。此外,並開發多樣化繳費管道 ,例如業界首創「量販店代收保險費服務」,自行繳費之保戶可至全台大潤發及家樂福量販店服務中心,繳交續期保費,方便又省事。 創造三贏績效 面對e時代的來臨,誰能夠快速掌握資訊、應用資訊,往往能成為最後的贏家。南山人壽為即時將公司政策與新商品訊息零時差地傳遞到業務同仁,與中華電信簽約,完成全台首創高品質、跨越470點的「e-Broadcast同步學習系統」,為內外勤同仁的教育訓練工作,建構了高效率的e化服務平台,創造企業、前端業務與顧客的三贏績效。e-Broadcast的建構不僅讓溝通的機制與資訊流通方便健全,也讓業務端的學習無障礙,進而呈現完美客務服務的最佳典範。 多元化的產品 南山人壽的保險商品,涵蓋個人壽險、意外險、團體險、醫療險、防癌險、年金保險、及投資型商品,滿足社會大眾不同的需求。 高素質的內外勤服務團隊 南山人壽除了率先建立台灣第一套業務員考試制度外,並積極建構完整的教育訓練體系,引入先進的保險知識與服務理念,配合各種獎勵與升遷制度,啟發同仁自主性學習精神與動力,培育高素質的服務團隊。 高效率的e化與M化。 近年來南山人壽持續推動高效率的 e化 及M化服務,於2006年至2009年間全面導入無紙化的「影像線上作業系統」,透過全台影像掃描 / 連線傳輸,快速地為客戶辦妥新契約投保、契約變更、理賠作業及各項保單服務,為業界之創舉。此外,透過建置網站/簡訊/email/智慧型手機/電話語音系統等平台,不僅讓業務員可隨時隨地為客戶提供更優質的服務,客戶更可以24小時隨時透過網路及電話辦理各項保單相關業務。
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